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20 - WAP to Print Bit's using Bitwise LSB in C

This Program prints the Value of a Bit's can taking consideration of the Positing of the Bit's. 

int main()
 //variable declaration
 int number, value, pos1, pos2, bit, result;
 char choice;
  //reading the first number from the user
  printf ("Enter a number that you want to change with bits of value : ");
  scanf ("%d", &number); 
  //reading a number from the user
  printf ("Enter the number from which you want to extract bits : ");
  scanf ("%d", &value);
  //reading first position from the user
  printf ("Enter the First Position : ");
  scanf ("%d", &pos1);
  //reading the second position from the user
  printf ("Enter the Second Position but must be less than First Position : ");
  scanf ("%d", &pos2);
  //checking that first position is higher than second or not
  if (pos2 >= pos1)
   printf ("Position Enterd is Invalid, Try Again!\n");
  //if there is no error with position entered then this will continue
   //expression for noofbits tobe check
   bit = pos1 - pos2 + 1;
   //extracting bits from value starting from lsb
   value = (value & ((1 << bit)- 1 ) << pos2 );
   //clearing bit position in number based on the position u entered
   number = number & ~(((1 << bit ) - 1) << pos2 );
   //the cleared positon in number is filled with extracted bits
   result = number | value;
   // printing the number in decimal format
   printf ("The Number is : %d", result);
  //this is to run the program again
  printf ("\n To Continue press ['Y'/'n'] : ");
  choice = getchar();
 }while (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y' );
 return 0;
Program Output:

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