WAP to Check whether the given Number is Palindrome or Not in C - 50 November 28, 2017 This program check's whether the given number is Palindrome or Not, and prints the Reverse order of the Number. Program Code: /...Read More
WAP to Generate Floyd's Triangle in C - 49 November 28, 2017 This program print's the generated Floyd's Triangle in C. Program Code: /* Program to generate Floyd's triangle. */ #in...Read More
WAP to Delete an Element at the given Position in an Array in C - 48 November 28, 2017 This Program Delete's an element in an Array, at any given position in an array in C. Program Code: /* Program to delete an elem...Read More
WAP to print Greatest of Two Numbers using Bitwise Operators in C - 47 November 26, 2017 This program prints the Greatest of two Numbers without using if statement, but by making use of the BitWise Operators. Program Code: ...Read More
WAP to Print the Given Number is Reverse Order in C - 46 November 26, 2017 This program print's the given Number in the Revered Order in C Program Code: /* program to find reverse of the given number in...Read More
WAP to Swap Nibbles in a byte in C - 45 November 26, 2017 This Program Swaps the Nibble from a Byte in C Program Code: /* C program to Swap Nibbles in a byte. */ #include <stdio.h> #i...Read More
WAP to Calculate Simple Interest in C - 44 November 26, 2017 This program calculatates the Simple Interest of any given value's in C. Program Code: /* C program to calculate simple interest ...Read More
WAP to Print the Largest Digit in any given Number in C - 43 November 26, 2017 This program prints the Largest Digit in any given Number in C Program Code: /* Write a C program to find a Largest Digit in a Numbe...Read More
WAP to Implement a Digital Clock in C - 42 November 26, 2017 This Program implements a Digital Clock in C Program Code: /* Program to implement a digital clock */ #include <stdio.h> #in...Read More
WAP to Swap 2 Number's without using temporary Variable in C - 40 November 26, 2017 This Program Swap's the 2 Number's without using temporary Variable. Program Code: /* Program to Swap 2 Number's without ...Read More
WAP to Add 2 Variables without using 3rd Variable in C - 41 November 26, 2017 This Program does Addition 2 Variables without using 3rd Variable in C. Program Code: /* Program to Add 2 Variables without using 3rd...Read More
WAP to Print 'Hello World' without using semicolon in C - 39 November 26, 2017 This program print's "Hello World" without using semicolon. Program Code: /* Program to print Hello World without usin...Read More
38 - WAP to find the Determinant of a Matrix in C November 25, 2017 This program finds the Determinant of a Matrix in C. Program Code: //to find determinant, inverse and transpose #include <stdio.h...Read More
37 - WAP to Find Transpose of a Matrix in C November 25, 2017 This program determines Transpose of a Matrix in C Program Code: //to find determine Transpose of a Matrix. #include <stdio.h> ...Read More
36 - WAP to determine Matrix Multiplication in C November 25, 2017 This program determines Matrix Multiplication in C Program Code: //to find determine Matrix Multiplication. #include <stdio.h>...Read More
35 - WAP to Search an Element in an Array of Integer, Float, Double in C November 25, 2017 This program helps to Search an Element in an Array of Integer, Float, Double in C Program Output: /* Program to Search an Element in...Read More
34 - WAP to Replace Large Blank (Spaces) to Single Blank (Space) in C November 24, 2017 This program to replace large blank (space's) with a single blank (space) in C Program Code: /* Program to replace large spaces w...Read More
33 - WAP to check whether character is Alphabet, Hexadecimal, Control Character or Alphanumeric in C November 24, 2017 This program is to check whether the Entered character is alphabet, hexadecimal, Control character or alphanumeric using function. Pro...Read More
32 - WAP of a Calculator with Add, Sub, Mult, & Div in C November 24, 2017 Calculator program with the operation's of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division in C. Program Code : // Performs ...Read More
31 - WAP to check if Processor is Little Endian or Big Endian in C November 24, 2017 This program check's if Processor is Little Endian or Big Endian in C Program Code : //it will check whether the processor is li...Read More