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2.1 - Key Words Types

Keywords – Qualifiers
  • const 
It specifies the value of a field or a local variable that cannot be modified.
  • volatile 
- Instructs the compiler not to optimise the variable qualified with it
- Indicates that the variable is asynchronous, and system or external sources may change its value
Keywords – Loops
  • for
- Could be used when the number of passes is known in advance (but not necessarily)
  • while
- Could be used when the number of passes is not known in advance (but not necessarily)
- Entry controlled looping mechanism
  • do
- Could be used when the number of passes is not known in advance (but not necessarily)
- Exit controlled looping mechanism
Keywords – Storage Class
auto -                                Storage:                           Memory
- Default Initial Value:                     Unpredictable
- Scope:                                      Local
- Life:                                                 Within the Block
register - Storage:                                       CPU Register's
- Default Initial Value:                    Garbage
- Scope:                                           Local
- Life:                                              Within the Block
static - Storage:                                       Memory
- Default Initial Value:                   Zero
- Scope:                                          Local
- Life:                                             Across Function Calls
- Other's:                                    Limits the Function scope to the current file.
extern - Storage:                                      Memory
- Default Initial Value:                 Zero
- scope:                                         Global
- Life:                                            Program Life
Keywords – Decision
  • if 
- Simple conditional branching statement
- Any non-zero value is treated as a true value and will lead to execution of this statement
  • else
- Used with if statements
- Else part is executed when the condition in if becomes false
  • switch
- A specialised version of an if-else cascade
- Equality checks only with integral type constants
- Simplified control-flow by generating much faster code
- Break keyword is must to end the current case
  • case
- Used in switch statements for selecting a particular case
- The case should be followed by a constant integral expression.
  • default
- This label is used in switch statements
- The statements after this label will be executed only when there is no match found in the case labels.
Keyword - Jump
  • goto
- Take the control to required place in the program
  • break
- Force immediate termination of a loop, bypassing the conditional expression and any remaining code in the body of the loop
  • continue
- Take the control to the beginning of the loop bypassing the statements inside the loop
Keywords – Derived types
  • struct
- struct keyword provides support for aggregate types
  • unions
- Can be considered a special case of structures 
- The syntax for both is mostly the same and only the semantics differ
- Memory is allocated such that it can accommodate the biggest member
- There is no in-built mechanism to know which union member is currently used to store the value
Keywords – User Defined
  • typedef
- Do not create new types - they just add new type names
- Helpful in managing complex declarations
- Increase portability of the code
- Obey scoping rules and are not textual replacements (as opposed to #defines)
  • enum
- A set of named constants that are internally represented as integers
- Makes the code more readable and self-documenting
Keywords – Others
  • void
- Non-existent or empty set of values
- It is used in the case of void pointers as a generic pointer type in C
- Return type of a function to specify that the function returns nothing
- You cannot have objects of type void, and hence this type is sometimes called a pseudo-type.
  • return
- To return control back from the called method
  • sizeof
- Used to obtain the size of a type or an object
- Can be used for portable code, since the size of a data type may differ depending on the implementation.

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