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3.7 - User Defined Datatypes.

UDDs – Structures
  • Sometimes it becomes tough to build a whole software that works only with integers, floating values, and characters. 
  • In circumstances such as these, you can create your own data types which are based on the standard ones 
  • There are some mechanisms for doing this in C:
    • Structures 
    • Unions 
    • Typedef 
    • Enums
  •  Composite (or compound) data type : 
  • Any data type which can be constructed from primitive data types and other composite types 
  • It is sometimes called a structure or aggregate data type 
  • Primitives types – int, char, float, double
struct Student
 int id;
         char name[30];
         char address[150];

int main()
struct Student s1 = {10, “Tingu”, “Bangalore”};
          printf(“Struture starts at %p\n”, &s1);
          printf(“Member id is at %p\n”, &s1.id);
          printf(“Member name is at %p\n”, s1.name);
          printf(“Member address is at %p\n”, s1.address);
return 0;
Structures - Functions
  • The structures can be passed as parameter and can be returned from a function
  • This happens just like normal datatypes.
  • The parameter passing can have two methods again a normal
    • Pass by value
    • Pass by reference
Structures – Functions – Pass by Value  "Not recommended on larger structures"
struct Student
int id;
        char name[30];
        char address[150];
void data(struct Student s)
       s.id = 10;
int main()
        struct Student s1;
return 0;
Structures – Functions – Pass by Reference  "Recommended on larger structures" Example 
struct Student
int id;
       char name[30];
       char address[150]
void data(struct Student *s)
        s->id = 10;
int main()
         struct Student s1;
return 0;
Data Alignment
  • A way the data is arranged and accessed in computer memory 
  • When a modern computer reads from or writes to a memory address, it will do this in word sized chunks (4bytes in 32 bit system) or larger. 
  • The main idea is to increase the efficiency of the CPU, while handling the data, by arranging at a memory address equal to some multiple of the word size 
  • So, Data alignment is an important issue for all programmers who directly use memory. 
  • If you don't understand data and its address alignment issues in your software, the following scenarios, in increasing order of severity, are all possible:
    • – Your software will run slower.
    • – Your application will lock up.
    • – Your operating system will crash.
    • – Your software will silently fail, yielding incorrect results.
  • Fetching the character by the CPU will be like shown below
int main()
    char ch = 'A';
    int num = 0x12345678;
     ● Fetching the integer by the CPU will be like shown below..

Structures – Bit Fields

  • The compiler generally gives the memory allocation in multiples of bytes, like 1, 2, 4 etc., 
  • What if we want to have freedom of having getting allocations in bits?!. 
  • This can be achieved with bit fields. 
  • But not that
    • The minimum memory allocation for a bit field member would be a byte that can be broken in max of 8 bits
    • The maximum number of bits assigned to a member would depend on the length modifier
    • The default size is equal to word size
    struct Nibble
        unsigned char upper     : 4;
        unsigned char lower    : 4;
  • The above structure divides a char into two nibbles
  • We can access these nibbles independently
UDDs – Unions
  • Like structures, unions may have different members with different data types.
  • The major difference is, the structure members get different memory allocation, and in case of unions there will be single memory allocation for the biggest data type
    union DummyVar
        char option;
        int id;
        double height;
  • The above union will get the size allocated for the type double 
  • The size of the union will be 8 bytes. 
  • All members will be using the same space when accessed 
  • The value the union contain would be the latest update 
  • So as summary a single variable can store different type of data as required
UDTs - Typedefs
  • Typedef is used to create a new name to the existing types.
  • K&R states that there are two reasons for using a typedef.
  1. It provides a means to make a program more portable. Instead of having to change a type everywhere it appears throughout the program's source files, only a single typedef statement needs to be changed
  2. Second, a typedef can make a complex definition or declaration easier to understand.
UDTs – Enums
  • Set of named integral values
  • The above example has two members with its values starting from 0. i.e, e_false = 0 and e_true = 1. 
  • The member values can be explicitly initialized 
  • The is no constraint in values, it can be in any order and same values can be repeated 
  • Enums does not have name space of its own, so we cannot have same name used again in the same scope.

     enum Boolean
     typedef enum
        e_red = 1,
        e_blue = 4,
    } Color;
 typedef enum
} Color;
int blue; 

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