This Program prints the Value of a Fractional Decimal to Binary Number.
//Main program function
int main()
//Declaring the variables,
long double num, fractional_part, decimal = 0.0, factor1 = 0.1, result;
long int rem, temp, idx, integer, binary = 0, factor = 1;
printf ("Enter the Floating Point Number : ");
scanf ("%Lf", &num);
integer = num;
fractional_part = num - integer;
//Checking for Integer not eq to 0.
while (integer != 0)
rem = integer % 2;
binary = binary + rem * factor;
integer = integer / 2;
factor = factor*10;
//getting the values of fractional part upto 6 places.
for (idx = 1; idx < 6; idx++)
fractional_part = fractional_part * 2;
temp = fractional_part;
decimal = decimal + factor1 * temp;
if (temp == 1)
fractional_part = fractional_part - temp;
factor1 = factor1 / 10;
//Fetching the binary number's and storing it in result
result = binary + decimal;
//Printing the result.
printf ("The Binary Number is : %Lf \n",result);
return 0;
Program Ouput:
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