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15 - WAP to Copy a String without using strcpy() function in C.

This Program copies a given String from Source to Destination without using strcpy() function in C.

/* Program to Copy a String */
#include <stdio.h>
//Main function program
int main()
    //Declaring Source & Destination Strings
    char scr[100], des[100];
    printf("Enter Source String : ");
    scanf("%s", scr);
    int idx; 
    //Coping the String from Source to Destination.
    for (idx=0; scr[idx] !='\0'; ++idx)
        des[idx] = scr[idx];
    //Appending a NULL value in the end of string.
    des[idx] = '\0';
    printf("Destination String is : %s\n", des);
  return 0;

Program Output:

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