Python - WAP to Print Largest of the 3 Numbers Python - 02
This is a Python Source Code to print the Greatest of the 3- Numbers.
#!/usr/bin/python3 while True: Num1 = int(input("Enter a Value of Num1 : ")) Num2 = int(input("Enter a Value of Num2 : ")) Num3 = int(input("Enter a Value of Num3 : ")) if (Num1 > Num2 > Num3): print ("The Largest Number is Num1 : '%d'" % (Num1) ) elif (Num2 > Num1 > Num3): print ("The largest Number is Num2 : '%d'" % (Num2) ) else: print ("The largest Number is Num3 : '%d'" % (Num3) ) print (" ") if (input("To Continue ['y'/'n'] : ")) == 'y': continue else: break
Program Output:

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