3.4 : Linux - Shell Scripting - Intermediate December 01, 2017 String tests: String comparison, Numeric comparison, File operators and logical operators Comparison operations are provided below...Read More
3.3 - Linux : Shell Scripting - Basics December 01, 2017 Programming languages: There are various types of programming languages, compared on various parameters From Embedded system engin...Read More
3.2 - Linux : Visual Editor December 01, 2017 Introduction to Visual Editor • vi or vim • To open a file $ vi <filename> or vim <filename> • vi opens a file in co...Read More
3.1: Linux - Introduction to Shell November 30, 2017 Introducing Shell: Shell is an application, works as a command interpreter Gets a command from user, gets it executed from OS Gives ...Read More
3.0 Linux - Command Line Interface. November 29, 2017 Command Line Interface User Interfacing: CLI (Command Line Interface) • Textual mode • System executes the command user provides a...Read More
Why Linux is more secure than Other Operating Systems? October 31, 2017 A brief about OS: Before getting into why is linux more secure than other operating systems, let us have a look into the brief on O...Read More
2.0 - Introduction to Linux September 14, 2017 What is Linux ? - Linux is a free and open source operating system that is causing a revolution in the computer world - Original...Read More