Python - WAP to Print the Largest Odd or Even Number of a List in Python - 17
This is a Python Code to Print the Largest Odd or Even Number of a List in Python.
Source Code:
#!/usr/bin/python3 while True: num = int(input("Enter the total Number of Elements : ")) tot = [] for idx in range(1, num+1): a = int(input("Enter %d Element : " % (idx))) tot.append(a) even = [] odd = [] for jdx in tot: if ( jdx % 2 == 0 ): even.append(jdx) else: odd.append(jdx) even.sort() odd.sort() count1 = 0 count2 = 0 for kdx in even: count1 += 1 for rdx in odd: count2 += 1 print ("Largest Even Number : ", even[count1-1]) print ("Largest Odd Number : ", odd[count2-1]) if (input(" To Continue 'y' : ") == 'y'): continue else: break
Program Output:

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