Why Linux is more secure than Other Operating Systems? October 31, 2017 A brief about OS: Before getting into why is linux more secure than other operating systems, let us have a look into the brief on O...Read More
22 - WAP to Print Magic Square [Matrix Form] in C October 31, 2017 This Program prints the Magic Square by considering the position of the '1' placed to a certain row or a column. #include ...Read More
21 - WAP to Read Integer and Print it without using 'scanf' operator in C October 31, 2017 This Program reads the Value of a Integer and prints the same, without using the scanf() function / operator. //this program is to dis...Read More
20 - WAP to Print Bit's using Bitwise LSB in C October 31, 2017 This Program prints the Value of a Bit's can taking consideration of the Positing of the Bit's. #include int main() { //vari...Read More
19 - WAP to Set, Get, Toggle, & Print 'n' Bits from given Number in C October 30, 2017 This Program performs following Operations : 1) Get 'n' Bits 2) Set 'n' Bits 3) Get 'n' Bits from position...Read More
18 - WAP to Implement own strcpy() function without using strcpy() in C October 25, 2017 This program prints the Length of String by function without using strcpy(). This code implements a own strcpy() function to calculate...Read More
17 - WAP to Implement own strlen() function without using strlen() in C October 25, 2017 This program prints the Length of String by function without using strlen(). This code implements a own strlen() function to calculate...Read More
16 - WAP to Find the Length of given String without using strlen() in C October 25, 2017 This program prints the Length of any given String without using strlen() function. //Program to Find the Length of String #include ...Read More
15 - WAP to Copy a String without using strcpy() function in C. October 25, 2017 This Program copies a given String from Source to Destination without using strcpy() function in C. /* Program to Copy a String */ #in...Read More
14 - WAP to Print Fibonacci Series using Recursive Function Method in C October 22, 2017 This Program Prints the Fibonacci Series using Recursive Function method. See Also : WAP to Print the Fibonacci Series in C //...Read More
13 - WAP to Print Fractional Decimal Number in Binary Number in C October 22, 2017 This Program prints the Value of a Fractional Decimal to Binary Number. #include //Main program function int main() { //Declaring th...Read More
12 - WAP to Implement own Sizeof operator using Macro in C October 21, 2017 This program performs a Size of operation without using a "sizeof" operator. The following code prints the Size of each...Read More
11 - WAP to Print ASCII table in C October 21, 2017 This Program prints the complete ASCII (man ASCII) table with all the values in Oct, Hex, Dec, Char. #include int main() { //i...Read More
10 - WAP to Increment (Pre/Post) a Number without using Increment operator (++) in C. October 21, 2017 This program Pre-Increment's & Post-Increment, a Number without using Increment operator (++) in C. The Number are used and ar...Read More
09 - WAP to Print Odd or Even without using '%' Operator in C October 21, 2017 This program Prints the Odd or Even for the given Number without using "%" operator. But by using Bitwise "Ternary"...Read More
08 - WAP to Print the Fibonacci Series in C October 19, 2017 This Program prints the Values of Fibonacci Series till the desired User Value. /*we have to print the greatest fibonacci no and the fi...Read More
07 - WAP to Print the Average of a given Numbers of a Array. October 19, 2017 This Program prints the Average of a given Array Elements . /*Finding the average of the numbers*/ /*library protype declaration*/ #in...Read More
06 - WAP to Print the Value of a Median in the given Number in C October 19, 2017 Program to Print the Value of a Median in a given set of Number's in an Array. //to check the median of a given Numbers in C #inclu...Read More
05 - WAP to Print the Sizeof all Datatypes in C October 19, 2017 This Program prints the Size of all the Datatypes of any Machines such as 32-Bit, 16-Bit and even on a 8-Bit machine. //to display the ...Read More
04 - WAP to Print Positive & Negative, Odd or Even Numbers in C October 19, 2017 This C - Programs gets the a Value and Checks if it's Less than or Greater than Zero, and Prints the Number if it's Odd or Even....Read More
03 - WAP to Print the Given String in a Reverse Order. October 13, 2017 This Program Prints the given String in Reverse Order without reversing the Characters of the String. #include #include #define M...Read More
02 - WAP to Swap given Two Number's. October 13, 2017 This program Swaps the Given two Number's. #include //swap function to swap the numbers void swap (int *x, int *y ) { //declara...Read More
01 - WAP to Print Upper Case to Lower Case and vice versa. October 13, 2017 This is a Program to print a given letter's from Upper case to lower or Lower case to upper. #include #include #include int ...Read More